What Sanders side are you?

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Have you ever wondered if you were a side, who would you be? Well hopefully I can provide an answer in this 10 question quiz! I tried not to be too obvious in the answers.

I included all sides, including dark, light, and Remy and Emile because they have been widely accepted as sides in the fandom. My Wattpad is cottagesapphic05 if you want to read any of my fics!

Created by: Adelaide of Wattpad
(your link here more info)
  1. If you had to murder someone, what would you use as the weapon?
  2. What beverage are you addicted to?
  3. What was your time period obsession as a kid?
  4. What is your role in the friend group?
  5. What would you use on the playground to determine who's it?
  6. What is your favorite episode out of all of these?
  7. Favorite sides outfits?
  8. Favorite fanfiction website?
  9. Favorite school subject?
  10. If you could choose any side to be friends with, who would you choose?

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Quiz topic: What Sanders side am I?
