What's your wolf name?

What's your wolf name? Have you wondered about your TRUE wolf name is? This is the test!

Take this test and find out what wolf name you have!

Created by: ArticWolf11
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What best describes you?
  3. How do you want your pack?
  4. Would you like fighting?
  5. How do you want your mate?
  6. You're having pups! Congrats ^.^!!! What color is your pup's pelt/fur?
  7. Your training, what will you be train most in?
  8. Your Alpha challenges you. What will you mostly rely on?
  9. Almost done! Are you patient?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What's my wolf name?