What's your wolf name 2?

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You heart beats with the earth as you sprint through the undergrowth. You duck underneath a low hanging branch and leap over a frosty pool. You see a million reflections of you in the shattered surface. Then the enemy that stands on the other side of the battlefield calls out to you. But what name does he call?

This is the sequel to the last quiz I made. I MIGHT put a link down da bottom. Enjoy the quiz. Don't copy my stuff. Ect, ect, that kinda junk. Hope u get a good one! :D

Created by: Darkestfox09
  1. This is kinda just a junky, random go-lucky quiz, since your last name doesn't really fortell your personality. So pick one:
  2. Eh.
  3. I love pizza.
  4. So yeah, like, this quiz will only make sense if u took the previous quiz :p
  5. This is boring
  6. U like hunting?
  7. Ok, nearly over. Time for better questions :D Wut position do u like in a pack (search up 'wolf ranking chart')
  8. Which name do u like better?
  9. Fur colour?
  10. Who would you support?
  11. Ok, bye bye. (FATE DECIDES!!!)

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Quiz topic: What's my wolf name 2?
