What's Your Warrior Name? (Prefix B Suffix B)

I hope this one is better than the last, im making C next. after the ENTIRE alphabet, ill do rouges loners and kittypets for you patient testers out there.

I know there is not very much variety with my results, and I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to make a name generator you will appreciate. I hope this one was good enough to meet your expectations.

Created by: Sandpelt09
  1. Kit, apprentice, or warrior?
  2. One through six. pass question if you did not pick warrior.
  3. Suffix choice (doesn't matter if you pick kit or apprentice)
  4. Kit and apprentice question. pass if you pick warrior
  5. Warrior question: B-Day
  6. Warrior Question: B-Day (continued)
  7. Apprentice question: food of the following
  8. Apprentice question: Color
  9. Empty Question
  10. Comment Me!

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Quiz topic: What's my Warrior Name? (Prefix B Suffix B)
