What's Your Power? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's Your Power?

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  • Aquakinesis 82%

    Those with aquakinesis can create and bend water to their will. You can create ice, liquid water, or water vapor, and switch water between forms. You are a cool and collected center for those around you. You can see things crystal clear for what they are and prefer to think through the logical steps to solve a problem.

  • Your Result: efelist 77%

    efelists can take other people's powers and use it themselves. In a way, you can almost talk to the power as you would another person. And don't mistake the letter "" for a "b" or "p". This power is so rare and ancient that a modern name has not been come up with for it. Examples of efelists are Erinyes Costalla and Vana Fallow.

    76% Aquakinesis
    69% Aerokenisis
    64% Anti-Figurism
    57% Passer
    50% Posiolar
    45% Illudier
    40% Communar
    38% Pyrokinesis
    34% Resurger
    Love it!


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