Maehem's Profile

Joined on May 26, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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Maehem's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: efelist 77%
efelists can take other people's powers and use it themselves. In a way, you can almost talk to the…"
1 -
"Your Result: Natura 82%
Your branch of magic is Natura.~Traits: kind, considerate, loving, selfless, caring, hopeful~Branch…"
1 -
"Your Result: Fairy 76%
You are the most attractive of all fantasy creatures. Your beauty radiates about you like a beam of light.…"
2 -
"Your Result: Jupimancer (you can fly) 84%
You're a free spirited person with a lot of charisma. You're very creative, helpful, and…"
1 -
"Your Result: The Witch: 74%
Stories of malicious old hags, who cook and eat children, that's all that remains of the legacy…"
1 -
"Lupine :D
Any werewolves in the chat?"1 -
"Your Result: Horror 86%
"You belong in Horror. The horror genre includes both gory violent films and creepy, truly horrific films…"