What's your political opinion?

Politics decide our country. Do you wish to know which political party you belong to? Discover here! This test will decide whether your Democrat, Libertarian, or Republican.

This test will take the subjects involved in politics and ask for your opinion on them. You must realize that I'm politically involved, so my opinion shall be placed into the end result paragraph.

Created by: Caleb
  1. Do you like businesses and companies?
  2. What is your ideology of business?
  3. Do you like government departments, such as the Department of Education and the Department of Energy?
  4. Do you agree with abortions (killing unborn children)?
  5. Foreign Policy?
  6. Favorite President?
  7. Your stance on same-sex marriage?
  8. Favorite part of the Constitution?
  9. The Right to bare arms?
  10. Your opinion on illegal drugs?

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Quiz topic: What's my political opinion?