What's your fav...

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Some people say they like this and that. But doesn't mean it's their favorite. This quiz asks you what your favorite things are. This quiz should be easy. Not that hard, unless you don't know what your favorite thing is.

What are some of your favorite things? Take this quiz to see some new things that could be your new favorites. Take this quiz for fun and experience the new awesomeness.

Created by: Lisette
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's your fav... SINGER? 🎤
  2. What's your fav... FLAVOR? 🍫
  3. What's your fav... MOVIE? 🎬
  4. What's your fav... COLOR? 🎨
  5. What's your fav... SPORT? 🏉
  6. This question continues from question 7.
  7. What's your fav...THING TO DO? 📰
  8. What's your fav... HOLIDAY? 🎄
  9. What's your fav... EMOTION? 🎭
  10. What's your fav... ANIMAL? 🐶

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Quiz topic: What's my fav...