What's Your Fashion Statement? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's Your Fashion Statement?
Hey guys! Thanks for taking my quiz! I love it when people post! BTW I got Faux 'n Feathers. Weird, because I consider myself the Crafty type! :D
Jeans and a Sweatshirt
Well it's better than looking like one of these common tarts i see at school every day!
Instead of jeans and a sweatshirt, I'll wear sweatpants and a tee.
Jeans and a sweatshirt. Not quite, but most accurate of the 3 results. Nice quiz.
Faux n' Feathers? Not at all, I'm a jeans and t-shirt type of girl.
EPicz1 -
yes, I'm a jeans and tee kinda girl :)
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