What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter) | Comments

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  • Your Result: Half-blood 92%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    88% Muggle-born
    58% Pure-blood
    0% Muggle
    I was expecting this.

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 89%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    47% Half-blood
    39% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 76%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    74% Half-blood
    66% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle
    Makes sense...

  • Your Result:Muggle-born

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestory

    Im speechless^^.

  • Your Result: Half-blood 80%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.


  • Muggle born,seems about right I am very interested in the dark arts alot alongside with the paranormal activity with mythical creatures. I've always been the odd ball in my family but really don't care. Cool quiz mate.

  • ¿Cul es su estado de sangre? (Harry Potter)
    Su resultado: sangre pura 85%

    ¡Felicidades! Eres una bruja o un mago sangre pura, y esto significa que tu familia tiene sangre mgica durante siglos. Te enorgulleces de tu ascendencia. Conoce bien las tradiciones y los secretos de su mundo y le gustara guardar estos secretos para su propia familia. Tomas la 'magia' como un regalo para tu familia y ests agradecido de haber nacido en el mundo mgico y, por lo tanto, eres un heredero del conocimiento y la sabidura ancestrales de tu especie.

    54% Mestizo
    40% Nacido de muggles
    9% Muggle

  • ¿Cul es su estado de sangre? (Harry Potter)
    Su resultado: sangre pura 85%

    ¡Felicidades! Eres una bruja o un mago sangre pura, y esto significa que tu familia tiene sangre mgica durante siglos. Te enorgulleces de tu ascendencia. Conoce bien las tradiciones y los secretos de su mundo y le gustara guardar estos secretos para su propia familia. Tomas la 'magia' como un regalo para tu familia y ests agradecido de haber nacido en el mundo mgico y, por lo tanto, eres un heredero del conocimiento y la sabidura ancestrales de tu especie.

    54% Mestizo
    40% Nacido de muggles
    9% Muggle

  • Your Result: Half-blood 87%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    73% Pure-blood
    39% Muggle-born
    6% Muggle

    • Same, except I have 0% muggle and 92% Half-blood.

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 78%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    72% Half-blood
    47% Muggle-born
    1% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 93%

    Congratulati ons! You're a pureblood witch or wizard and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestory and you are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world and you'd like to keep this secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    93% Muggle-born
    52% Half-blood
    26% Muggle

    LO L, muggle-born and pure are same %! I is married to Harry Potter!!!!!

    Pyra Potter
  • Thank you everyone for taking this quiz! I know the answers were a bit obvious but that's intentional because I had no experience whatsoever in making such type of quizzes. Thanks once again. C:

  • Nacida de Muggles 82%

    Eres un nacido de muggles. Nadie en su familia haba sido brujo o mago, y usted es el primero en su familia en ser uno. Esto puede haber sido una desventaja al principio, pero con su habilidad e inteligencia excepcionales, usted demostr que la inteligencia es mejor que la ascendencia.

    Sangre Pura: 76%
    Mestizo: 73%
    Muggles: 0%

    Osea Hermione es nacida de muggles y una de las mejores brujas de todo el mundo mgico, ademas no olviden que fue ministra de magia

  • Muggle-born: 74

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard, and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been a disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestry.

    Half-blood: 73%
    Pure-blood: 73%
    Muggle: 1%
    It makes no sense.

  • I got half-blood like I thought I would. I don’t know about you guys but I liked this quiz. Also I was close to being pure-blood which I thought was interesting. I have alway thought of myself as more of half-blood or muggle-born compared to a pure-blood. Interesting...

    • I got Half-Blood just as I hoped I would, really thought I was Muggle-Born, but 1/2 is even better! Thank you! Good quiz.

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 84%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    55% Half-blood
    35% Muggle-born
    1% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 90%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    • Im like the opposite of you muggle born!
      (No hate I dont care about blood)

      Moo Moo Squad
  • Your Result: Pure-blood

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    Result Breakdown:
    93% Pure-blood
    84% Half-blood
    57% Muggle-born
    26% Muggle
    Proud to be one

  • You dont know how happy and thankful that I am that you didnt say that purebloods were evil. Thank you thank you thank you. I hate it when people say that purebloods are always in the wrong. Look at the weasleys! Theyre awesome. But again, thank you, and this is a great quiz!

  • As I thought, I'm a half-blood because I wanted to be balance like they said, best of both worlds. My senses of justice and equality are high that's why I sorted into Hufflepuff and I'm proud being one of them:))

  • This is awesome! I always wanted to figure what I would be in the wizarding world! I LOVE the Wizarding world and muggle things, so it is obvious that I'm a half-blood. Anyway, I like the quiz. :)

  • Me encanta ser sangre mestiza porque soy parte del mundo mago y del mundo muggle lo cual me gusta mucho <3

  • I am only 1% muggle :D you are awesome

  • 81% pure-blood

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    65% Muggle-born
    48% Half-blood
    28% Muggle

    • Im Slytherin and pure-blood :) WOW

    • Un Slytherin tiene que ser sangre pura de ley

  • Half blood but it is what I expected. Loved the quiz and will definitely recommend!

    Hannah Abbot

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