What's my communication style at work?

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Consider each of the following questions separately and select the answer that corresponds to the description that most fits you. If you have trouble selecting only one answer, ask yourself which response would be the most natural or likely for you to take.

There are no right answers to these questions so base your response on how you are today, not how you think you should be or would like to be in the future.

Created by: Jane Pettigrew
  1. When talking to another person…
  2. If I have an important decision to make...
  3. My home/office or work area mostly has...
  4. If I am having a conflict with another person...
  5. When I talk on the phone...
  6. If another person is upset...
  7. When I attend group meetings...
  8. When I speak in front of a group...
  9. When someone is explaining a problem to me...
  10. When I attend training programs or presentations...
  11. When I want to get my point across to the other people...
  12. When I am late for a group meeting...
  13. I set goals and objectives that...
  14. When explaining a problem to someone whom I need help from...
  15. If someone is late for a meeting with me...
  16. When I am behind on a project and feel pressured to get it done...
  17. When I feel verbally attacked by another person...
  18. When I see a person whom I like and haven't seen recently...

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