Situaciones para la clase de espaol

Answer the following Situation Question in Spanish. Please read carefully before attempting each situation. if you feel that you cannot answer a situation, make your best choice and move to the next item.

Attempt all Questions. There is no wrong answer, however, each response carry different score based on how accurate the response is addressing the situation. Good luck!

Created by: Alicia Tillett Ramos
  1. Lucía is your best friend, introduce her to your mom.
  2. It is twelve o’clock mid-day. Ask your grandmother if she is hungry by now.
  3. Congratulate your friend for placing in first place in her class.
  4. You are having breakfast, ask your sister to pass you the butter.
  5. Tell your friend that in your schoolbag you have a pencil, a pen and two erasers.
  6. Tell your friend that you like football but prefer playing volleyball.
  7. Tell your teacher that Marta is not feeling well and that she needs to go to the office.
  8. Tell the doctor that you are not feeling well, that you have headache, flu and fever.
  9. Pretend you are the teacher, welcome your students to the Spanish class.
  10. A stranger in your school asks you for the principal. Tell him, that the principal is not present at the moment but should be here any time soon.

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