What's my Sexuality (straight not included)

A quiz to help you figure out your sexuality. It is 11 questions with relatively accurate results( I think lol) There is no straight option, and bi and pan is a spectrum.

A helpful way for you to figure out your sexuality is doing research. You should also note that its ok to change it, take me for instance, I went from straight to heteroflexible to bi to pan to omni to lesbian. :)

Created by: Paula of My crochet website
(your link here more info)
  1. Gender
  2. Do you have attraction to girls.
  3. Do you have attraction to males
  4. What gender do you see yourself with
  5. What do you think YOU are
  6. Who do you notice more in movies
  7. Have you ever liked a girl.
  8. Have you ever liked a guy
  9. Thoughts on a relationship with a girl (if you are a girl)
  10. If you are a guy, what are your thoughts on a relationship with a guy.
  11. The End

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