Which Bratz are you?

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Hey there! Ready to find out which Bratz doll you are? All you have to do is choose the option that aligns with you the most. There are 15 questions and 4 possible results: Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha. Answer honestly for accurate results. The questions are mostly focused on personality traits and reactions to situations similar to which Bratz have faced in the movies.

This quiz was made based on: Bratz: The Movie, Rock Angelz, Diamondz, Genie Magic, Fashion Pixiez, Super babyz and Bratz (the tv show). Each Bratz doll has her own unique style and personality. This quiz takes all of that into account to give you a result that reflects the best match for you. So, dive into the Bratz world and see which character you align with most. Please rate at the end, I really wanna know how I did! Hope you like it! Let's go 👇

Created by: her_pulse
  1. What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
  2. How would you describe your personality?
  3. How would you participate in a talent show?
  4. Choose a dress color for a red carpet event:
  5. Which platform shoe would you wear?
  6. Which accessory can you not live without?
  7. How do you usually style your hair?
  8. You and your 3 friends run into a genie. Each of you have one wish, what are you wishing for?
  9. If you and your friends were to start a fashion magazine how would you contribute?
  10. How would you organise a fashion show?
  11. How would you get ready for a big performance?
  12. You and your friends get superpowers, which superpower would you get?
  13. Which after-school club would you join?
  14. Choose a theme for your photoshoot:
  15. What's your dream career?

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Quiz topic: Which Bratz am I?
