What Royal SeaWing are you?

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This quiz is one of my first. It is not one hundred percent accurate, but it’s fun! It will reveal what royal SeaWing you are most like. Please have fun!

Options: Coral, Tsunami, Turtle and Anemone. There are ten questions. If you would prefer not to answer one, or can’t decide, you don’t have to answer.

Created by: Lucy
  1. What do you enjoy?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. Impulsive level? (1=think before act, 5=do anything that comes to mind.)
  4. Do you like storywriting? (1=no 5=yes)
  5. What kind of book/movie do you like?
  6. What body of water is your favorite?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. What would you do if someone offered you unlimited power?
  9. Do you like exercise?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? 1=yes 5=no

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Quiz topic: What Royal SeaWing am I?
