What Railfan are you.

What type of railfan are you!!! ***putting random stuff to reach word limit*** Tjfghfdjhofdjf;dhj;lkjasfdlkshf[isfjdlfkjhsl;dfkhjskfdhfdlk;sdfhl;hfsdh

Do you like trains like model trains real trains this quiz will tell you! ***putting random stuff to reach word limit*** jfdhkfdhkfjdhksdfjlhdfkjhsdfk

Created by: Blake
  1. Do you know lots of history about trains.
  2. Could you name all the Class one railroads.
  3. Do you have a YouTube channel
  4. Do you have a train tracker one your phone or pc
  5. Do you have a train layout.
  6. Would you railfan (now) if you had the chance
  7. Do you watch train videos??
  8. Are you thinking of trains now.
  9. Are trains cool??
  10. (This does not affect the test) Are you subscribed to Oklahoma Railfan?

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Quiz topic: What Railfan am I.
