Are you a railfan, a foamer, or know nothing about trains?

This is a test that I thought would be fun to make and it tells people if they are truly a railfan, if they are a foamer with potential or knows nothing about trains and railroading.

Try the best you can, find out your score at the end, and start calling yourself what you got, enjoy it. I don’t have much else to say so get started

Created by: Jacob Mittleman
  1. What is a line for a railroad called?
  2. What is a local?
  3. Which one of these BNSF locomotives had an RS5T?
  4. What is an AEM-7?
  5. METX402 is a _____
  6. Why should you avoid walking on the tracks?
  7. What year was the UP 4014 “big boy” retired?
  8. Which horn is more commonly used on GE locomotives?
  9. What does a white signal mean?
  10. Temporary horn zones are enforced when which one of these happens

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Quiz topic: Am I a railfan, a foamer, or know nothing about trains?
