What punishment am I in for?

This quiz is to be used to decide on the most appropriate punishment for yourself or someone you are responsible for. It's strict but fair, and being respectful will go a long way.

Take it as often as you need to and you can take it multiple times for different offenses. If the punishment seems too small, feel free to double the intensity at will (ie, make it 4 spanks per year of age instead of 2).

Created by: Jjmccoy
  1. How old are you?
  2. What was your offense?
  3. How many times have you done this?
  4. Will you learn your lesson?
  5. How often are you in trouble at school?
  6. How often do you lie?
  7. Do you usually get your chores and homework done on time?
  8. Do you do as you are told by authority figures?
  9. Are you generally respectful?
  10. Go up to your room and wait for me with your nose in the corner!

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