Which Pokemon are you?

This quiz is to test your personality and see which Pokémon you are your results can range from charizard to snorlax!This is my first quiz so if you decide to take it please be respectful

Be warned the results of this quiz might be fine with you or might not take it at your own risk This is my first quiz so if you decide to take it please be respectful

Created by: Pokmon guy
  1. If a friend was in trouble what would you do?
  2. If you had the option to fight for yourself or a friend what would you do?
  3. If you had the option would you go to sleep or stay awake?
  4. Who are you in your friend group?
  5. What would you rather eat?
  6. What are you most?
  7. How easily do you get mad?
  8. If someone betrayed you would you give them a second chance?
  9. Are you always willing to fight or would rather run away from a fight.
  10. What a your favorite Pokémon?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon am I?
