How Normal are you?

The term "normal" can have various meanings depending on the context. In general, it is often used to describe something that is typical, standard, or expected in a given situation or circumstance. For instance, when it comes to health, normal can refer to the range of values or conditions that are considered within a healthy or functional range. In social interactions, normal can be used to describe behaviors or attitudes that are widely accepted or considered appropriate by a given community or society. However, it is important to note that what is considered normal can be subjective and vary across different cultures, contexts, and time periods. Additionally, the concept of normalcy can sometimes be used to marginalize or stigmatize individuals or groups that do not fit within certain norms or expectations.
But are you normal? I mean you've probably figured it out but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take this cool and epic test. Otherwise if you haven't figured out if you're either normal or not, then you have the option the take this test and find out so good luck.