What Pronouns Should You Use? They, He, She, It, or Other?

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What are pronouns? Pronouns are words like they, he, she, it, we, and you. Some pronouns - specifically we, I, and you - are used when talking about the person who's speaking. Pronouns such as they, she, it, and he, and the common ones when talking about a person who is not present as part of the conversation. There *are* other pronouns - neopronouns (i.e. xe/xyr and ze/hir) and nounself pronouns (i.e. frog, zombie, glitch, and glitter), but they are less common than they, she, and he. Pronouns replace the name or nouns that could refer to a person.

In this quiz, I will give you the pronoun that I think would fit you best. I will give you they/them (i.e. they are my friend and I love them), she/her (i.e. she is my friend and I love her), he/him (i.e. he is my friend and I love him), or it/its (i.e. it is my friend and I love it).

Created by: WolfQueen
  1. What is your gender, and do you want pronouns that match that?
  2. Do you like and want binary pronouns?
  3. I'm going to say a sentence about you. Which one feels right?
  4. Let's say I were to use neopronouns such as ve/vir, ze/hir, or fae/faem for you. Would you feel comfortable with that, or would you prefer neutral pronouns such as they/them or it/its? Or would you prefer to have binary pronouns? That is, she/her or he/him? Basically, which of these pronouns do you want most?
  5. I'm going to offer you a chance to use any pronouns you want. I don't know your assigned gender, I don't know what pronouns you've been using, and I can't tell you what pronouns to use. So here's a free "use any pronouns" card. What do you choose?
  6. Do you like masculine, feminine, or neutral words?
  7. Let's say someone calls you "he". Are you offended or at least upset or uncomfortable?
  8. Let's say someone calls you "she". Are you offended or at least upset or uncomfortable?
  9. Let's say someone calls you "they". Are you offended or at least upset or uncomfortable?
  10. Let's say someone calls you "it". Are you offended or at least upset or uncomfortable?

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Quiz topic: What Pronouns should I Use? They, He, She, It, or Other?
