How well do you Know Mapleshade?

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Now, we all now the good old Mapleshade, do we? * AWKWARD SILENCE * No…? Well if not good luck, you better research later then! Now this quiz is about how well you know Mapleshade!

Now before you start, I will give you a clue: Mapleshade’s pronouns are SHE/HER and one of her kits name is a part of a flower. Ready? Steady? GOOO AND GET THE MOST YOU CAN!

Created by: Mapleshade
  1. Now…Do you know Mapleshades gender?
  2. How many kits did Mapleshade have?
  3. What was one of the kit’s name?
  4. Who was Mapleshade’s FAKE mate?
  5. Who was Mapleshade’s REAL mate?
  6. What clan was Mapleshade exiled from?
  7. Who did Mapleshade kill for revenge of the kits at the moonstone?
  8. Who’s StarClan spirit did Mapleshade kill?
  9. How did Mapleshade’s kits die?
  10. Who killed Mapleshade?
  11. Where did Mapleshade go after HE/SHE got killed?
  12. What cat breed is Mapleshade?

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Quiz topic: How well do I Know Mapleshade?
