What Pringle Flavour Belongs to U?

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So are u guys looking to find out which pringle belongs to you. Well, there's loads of pringle flavours in the world. But which one is u? Take this quiz to find out!

So, now u have seen what this quiz is about. Test it. Time to find out your inner flavour PRINGLE LOVERS!! So lets get started 3 2 1! Go. Ok u haven't done it yet. Trust me this quiz is great!

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. So. Pringles are my fav crisps. So u must luv them too. So here's your question. How many flavours have u actually tried before?
  2. Ok. Now u have the amount of flavours what do u eat with chips?
  3. We've got chips, and amount of many pringles. Next on the list is your personality! Ik what your thinking. Pringles having feelings? Well yup its true. So lets go! Pick one to describe u.
  4. Next, how much to u love pringles? Ik your thinking why else would I do this quz. Just answer anyways.
  5. Which crisps (and it can't be pringles) do u normally eat?
  6. Ik u just want to find out your answer but it takes time! How many siblings do u have?
  7. Ok. U don't need to know the answer to this. It doesn't rlly affect your score. So who made th3e fist pringle?
  8. Right, nearly finished. Just a couple more questions to go. So which colour is your fave?
  9. If u had to eat one of these what would u eat?
  10. Now which pringle flavour is your fave.

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