Are you Fire, Water, Earth, or Air?

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This is a quiz to see which your Alchemy Symbol is. Mine is Fire, I hope you get one you like! There is Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Be 100% honest or you won't get one you like!

BE HONEST! I see you smirking there ;) I don't have anything else to put here so...1 Bottle Pop, 2 Bottle Pop, 3 Bottle Pop, 4 Bottle Pop, 6 Bottle Pop, 7 Bottle Pop POP! Fish and Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar, Vinegar, Fish and Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar. Pepper Pepper Pepper Salt. Don't throw your trash in my backyard, my backyard, don't throw your trash in my backyard Asphalt.

Created by: Lilianne Mariahel of Alchemy Symbol
(your link here more info)
  1. What would your friends say is your best trait?
  2. Where do you like it most?
  3. What are some of your favorite colors
  4. What is your Astrological Sign?
  5. What is your favorite time in a whole day 24 hours
  6. What is your favorite season?
  7. What is your best sense?
  8. What are your favorite days?
  9. What are your favorite planets?
  10. What is your birthstone?
  11. What do you hope to get?

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Quiz topic: Am I Fire, Water, Earth, or Air?
