What primaris marine are you?

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Hi, welcome to this quiz I hope you will really enjoy it. You are most welcome to become a space marine in the Imperium of man. The question is, what is your role?

Pew, pew, pew go your guns and slash, slash, slash go your swords ( I have no idea what I just said) fight for the Emperor and remember, that in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

Created by: Chaos lord Nikita
  1. You are about to go into battle. What weapon would you choose?
  2. Would you wear heavy armor?
  3. Mobility?
  4. Do you like sheilds?
  5. If you fall to the powers of chaos which god would you fall for?
  6. Your captain gives you an order that would mean certain death do you follow it?
  7. melee or range
  8. what about tactics?
  9. what is your favorite chapter?
  10. Finally. What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What primaris marine am I?
