Which Borderlands 2 Character Are You?

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From Bandits to Bullymongs to Boom & Bewm, there are lots of things to shoot on Pandora. Borderlands 2 has all the guns but, I wonder, who will wield these guns?

Will you be a Commando, a grizzled soldier, shooting all in your path with your assault rifle? Will you be a Siren, mystical and deadly, tearing into enemies with your dual SMGs? Will you be an Assassin, swift and silent, swinging your sword with ease and firing your pistol true? Or will you be a rage-filled Gunzerker, obliterating enemies with literally everything, including your own two fists? We. Shall. See.

Created by: Pyro42
  1. All right buddy! Question 1: You spe d your free time... How?
  2. Question 2: Oh no! Someone's being mugged!!! What do you do??
  3. Oh no! The mugger turns on you!!! What do you do???
  4. Aww a puppy ^-^ Kawaii :3
  5. You would describe yourself as...
  6. You're playing a mech-based shooter. You choose...
  7. What guns do you have?
  8. Almost done!!! Which of the following best describes your role in your group of friends?
  9. Hey, a box!
  10. You would describe yourself as...?
  11. How'd you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Borderlands 2 Character am I?