What political party do you belong in?

Welcome to the political party quiz. Today, you will find out what political party you belong in- Democrats or Republicans. Each party has it's own beliefs. Its just a matter of who you agree with.

Are you a democrat who thinks that immigrants should be allowed into the U.S.? or are you a republican who thinks that global warming is a fraud? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Me

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  1. Do you think that the u.s. should stand up to try to stop global warming?
  2. Do you think that the u.s. should stand up to try to stop global warming?
  3. Do you think that fleeing immigrants should be let into the united states?
  4. Who would you vote for of the following?
  5. Who do you think should be taxed higher?
  6. Are you conservative?
  7. How high do you think tax rates should be?
  8. Do you listen to fox news or NPR?
  9. Do you think that Ben Carson and Donald Trump are crazy?
  10. Do you think that Healthcare should be a right or something that only people who can pay for it get?

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Quiz topic: What political party do I belong in?