What Pokemon are you?

Hello and welcome to my quiz! You are going to be answering a series of 10 questions. That's all i need to say, and good luck,enjoy and do the very best you can.

I feel like i need to say something more but, i just don't know what hmm maybe i should go watch some youtube ehh i don't know maybe i'll play some Pokemon!

Created by: JoshThePokemonMaster
  1. What is your favorite type of colors?
  2. When Are you most active?
  3. Do you Like Pokemon?
  4. Can you say all of the regions?
  5. Whats your Favorite Pokemon Type?
  6. What Character from Pokemon do you like most?
  7. Mew Vs. Mewtwo who will win?
  8. Whats the best poke shipping? Ash and...
  9. What is your favorite Gen?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon am I?
