What pet are you?

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Witch pet are you? You could be a rabbit, cat, horse or a dog! You can post your results! I am a rabbit! I hope I will know yours soon! I hope you like this quiz!

Please try to post your result, because I would love to know what other people got! I hope you like and love this quiz! Btw, my name is Noelle! It was hard to make this quiz, so I hope you like and love this quiz!

Created by: Noelle
  1. What would you describe yourself as?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite book?
  4. What is your favorite movie?
  5. What do you like to do?
  6. What school subject is your favorite?
  7. What is your favorite game?
  8. What is your favorite sport?
  9. What pet do you want? (Real life.)
  10. What problems do you have?

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Quiz topic: What pet am I?
