What pet are you?

Hello! Thanks for choosing to do this quiz! There are three results you could get: Cat, dog, or rodent, which is hamsters, rats, so on. Anyway, hope you have fun!

I have to make this two paragraphs so let’s just explain what KACK FOREVER means: It’s a ship. Not like a boat, like when you think two characters of something should love each other. This ship is from LOST, and it’s on Hulu.

Created by: KACK FOREVER
  1. Look! A person is at the door! What do you do?
  2. You have been offered HUMAN FOOD. What’s your reaction?
  3. Hmm... it looks like your owner’s getting a new pet! What pet do you think it should be?
  4. Quick! There’s unguarded food on the table! What do you say?
  5. There’s a TV show about fish on your owner’s television. What do you do?
  6. How do you feel about kids?
  7. Do you like to cuddle with your owner?
  8. How delicious is bacon?
  9. What’s your opinion on cars?
  10. Final question: Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What pet am I?

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