LOST Quiz: How well do you know LOST?

Hi! I hope you enjoy this quiz! It was made for people who have watched the show LOST. It’s exciting to know other people out there love this show as much as I do!

If you haven’t watched it, watch it on Hulu today! If you have, I really hope you enjoy taking the quiz as much as I enjoyed making it, and also that you get a good score!

Created by: KACK FOREVER
  1. In this show, Kate is in a love triangle with Sawyer and Jack. But who does she end up with?
  2. The “others” lived in a town with houses and everything! How did they come to live there?
  3. How many seasons are in LOST?
  4. How many of the Oceanic survivors are saved on Penny’s boat? If so, what were they called?
  5. Who dies first?
  6. Who is the “package” Widmore has brought to the island?
  7. Who is Jacob?
  8. What is the Dharma Initiative?
  9. When was LOST on?
  10. What was the time span that LOST was on?

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Quiz topic: LOST Quiz: How well do I know LOST?
