What PBIGC ball are you

There are many Polandball out there, but this is for the chosen ones! Polandball is a community on Reddit, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, but this is a quiz for the Instagram community

What Polandball are you? Take this quiz and find out! Hopefully you get a good MOD or a good ball. May the odds be ever in your favour! Hope you like it!

Created by: Ivan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. How old is ur acct
  3. Favorite TV show
  4. Favorite Instrument
  5. Hi
  6. Bye
  7. Are you bored?
  8. Who made this quiz?
  9. Random
  10. Favorite game

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Quiz topic: What PBIGC ball am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our Countryball Quiz category.