What Parenting Style Did You Experience Growing Up?

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Your physical health, sense of self-worth, and interpersonal relationships can all be impacted by your parents' parenting style. Given that the way your parents interact with you and how they discipline you will affect you for the rest of your life, it is essential that they ensure that their parenting style promotes healthy growth and development.

Take the quiz and find out what kind of parenting style did you grew up with and figure out how it affected you and your personality. You may share your feedback if you want!

Created by: Group 4
  1. Your parents hold the opinion that children should only be seen, not heard.
  2. Your parents work very hard to build and keep up a good relationship with you.
  3. Your parents create rules, but they hardly ever observe them.
  4. Your parents never ask about your studies or assignments.
  5. When it comes to rules, your parents believe it's "my way or the highway."
  6. Your parents give explanations for their rules.
  7. Your parents don't give out consequences very often.
  8. It is rare for your parents to know where you are or who you are with.
  9. Your parents DO NOT consider how you are feeling.
  10. Your parents set limits, enforce rules, and give consequences, but take your feelings into consideration.
  11. Your parents believe that you will learn the most effectively if they don't intervene too much.
  12. There isn't much time spent with you by your parents.

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