What Pantala Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?

‘Ello,ever wondered what Pantala dragon you are but all the other quizzes are inaccurate and are for Pyrriah?Nows your chance for a Pantala one that is most likely accurate(please tell me in comments if you want me to edit it in any way)

Just want to let you all know this is my first quiz so please help me make it better by telling me what to edit in the comments,thank you for choosing this quiz. I hope you enjoy it,byeeeeee.

Created by: MeIguess
  1. I’m sorry but I need to ask-what’s your favourite colour?
  2. What’s your special ability?
  3. Do you have four wings or na?
  4. You see your friend getting bullied, what do you do?
  5. You get into a fight, you...?
  6. Where would you rather live?
  7. You see a scavenger, you..?
  8. How do you think of yourself?
  9. Fate
  10. How was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Pantala Wings of Fire Dragon am I?
