What NBA Player are you?

What nba legends do you play most like? Kobe Bean Bryant, Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr., Kevin Wayne Durant, Karl Anthony Malone, or Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal?

NBA legends do their work everyday to entertain us. Some are really good, some are really bad. Some are legendary, such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, etc.

Created by: tyler
  1. How old are you?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. Are you a good shooter?
  4. Are you good around the rim?
  5. What position do you play
  6. You're down by 2 in crunch time. wyd?
  7. Ref calls a foul on you.
  8. Coach benches you, wyd?
  9. What is your favorite team?
  10. How many points would you have in a game?
  11. how many rebounds you got?
  12. How many assists would you get?
  13. Offense or Defense

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Quiz topic: What NBA Player am I?
