What Naruto character are you? (Some left out!)

Hello guys, i cant say this is super accurate or accurate at all but i tried and i ams just bored. I think for the most part, i did well. This only took me 30-40 mins so you guys dont need to thank me. Im sorry if this is super unaccurate. I hope yall enjoy! :)))

Hehheheheehehehehehe not all characters are included... Very sorry. I dont know why its wants me to do all this "You have to put 150 characters" LIKE SHUSH stupid stuff like DANGG. Sasuke is a bad character but if you like him, hey hess all yours. Why did i put that hehehehehehe

Created by: NarutoIsNice
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What is your personality?
  3. what weapon would you want?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What is your style?
  6. What are you
  7. What is your element?
  8. Finally, are you smart?
  9. Just some fun question for bonus because i HAVE to have 10 FRICKEN QUESTIOns like whaaaaa?? Are you...

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Quiz topic: What Naruto character am I? (Some left out!)
