What Name Do I Give You?

Get Delilah! She is the best! Or Shae. She Ia basically me, blithe different names! All aboard the SMIELE LE TRAINE! Smile Train! I'm home sick today, so I can make this happen! Thank you, really bad digestive system! (I don't have problems *wink*)


Created by: miss boo
  1. Do you like people?
  2. How do you feel about dresses?
  3. What name do you like best?
  4. Are you popular?
  5. Rp: You Love someone, but they don't love you back. Your response?
  6. You are watching your favorite show, movie, etc. when your friend comes by. She/he doesn't like this show, in fact, you are the only one that does. She/he threatens to tell everyone. What do you do?
  7. Do you like Gravity Falls? WHAT? It's very relevant.
  8. Do da do do do do. Do da do do do AYY.
  9. Comment. Please?
  10. Bye

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