What mythical pet do you have?

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Have you ever wondered what your mystical pet would be? well in this quiz you can find out. With help from her friend the creator made an incredible quiz come and try it.

It is a great quiz if you want to play a game or wondered if you have an actual mystical pet! Join Witty Wonder and miss Shunshine in finding out your mystical pet.

Created by: Paige
  1. What is your favourite power?
  2. Where do you want to go with your pet?
  3. what is your favourite animal?
  4. whats your favourite colour?
  5. What is your spirit animal?
  6. what were you in school?
  7. what is your hobby?
  8. do you have any pets?
  9. What is your personality?
  10. What is your favourite type of food?

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Quiz topic: What mythical pet do I have?
