What Minecraft Pet Are You?

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Do you want to know what animal are you? Then play this game. It has a little bit of quiz in it, but after you do those quiz, you'll know what pet are you.

There are these pets: wolf, cat, horse, fox, panda, or llama. So what animal are you, find out by answering these questions. By the way Like, comment what animal you get, and share.

Created by: ProLuke9700
  1. What animal kills skeleton without permission of his owner?
  2. What animal hates wolves?
  3. What is the animal that can be found in a witch hut?
  4. What is the animal that can hold items in its mouth?
  5. What animal likes bamboo?
  6. What is the animal that have a chest in its body?
  7. What is the animal that love carrots?
  8. What animal is fast?
  9. What animal likes seeds?
  10. What is the animal that has a collar that you can dye if it is tamed?
  11. What animal likes wheat?
  12. What is the animal that gives wool?

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Pet am I?
