What Animal Are You?

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Calling all animal lovers! This is a quiz to figure out what animal you are. Are you a horse? A dog? A cat? A deer? A wolf? Find out by doing this fun animal quiz.

There are tons of quizzes on animals out there, but this quiz is an exception. It may be smaller than some, but who likes a 200 question quiz? Answer this 9 question quiz to see what animal you are.

Created by: The Equestrian
  1. Are you shy?
  2. Would you fight another person for who you love?
  3. Are you able to pull heavy items?
  4. Would you kill a animal if you had no more food?
  5. Do you like to watch fighting?
  6. Do you like to be praised? ("Like wow, that looks nice")
  7. Do you like to go to the hair salons or the barber?
  8. Do you get scared about loud noises?
  9. Do you like to live with others?
  10. Do you love to work?

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?
