What Minecraft Mob Are You?

Are you a minecraft fan? Do you love minecraft mobs? Well find out which mob YOU are in this quiz! It is very accurate, so why not do it just for fun!? Plus, don't you want to know which minecraft mob you are? I know I do!

There are lots of possible results you can get, including an Enderman, Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie, Piglin and Spider! So which one will you get? Take this quiz to find out! So what are you waiting for? Start the quiz NOW!

Created by: goldenparrot25
  1. Which one of these is your favorite minecraft mob?
  2. What ability or weapon would your mob have?
  3. Does your mob spawn in the day or night?
  4. What is your favorite minecraft biome?
  5. What would your mob mostly be out of these?
  6. Whatever you chose is Question 5, do you think it matches you? (Say if you chose 'Smart', do you think you're smart?)
  7. How many players can your mob defeat?
  8. How would your mob spend a day off?
  9. What will your mob drop when defeated?
  10. Last question- would your mob like this quiz? (:

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Mob am I?
