What MHA/BNHA Character are you?

MHA/BNHA Quiz! Find out who you are! The people are children of the future Pro Heroes, and a Orphan who made it into U.A.! The ships that the children belong to are canon, so custom ships aren't here.

I personally do not ship these ships, but the ships included are: Midoriya x Uraraka, Mina x Kirishima, Bakugo x ???, and Momo x Shoto.My main ships are: Uraraka x Tsu x Toga, Kirishima x Bakugo, Momo x Jirou, and Izuku x Shoto. That's all from me!

Created by: Penelope Kee
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Do you love Boys, Girls, Both or None?
  3. Are you a Girl, Boy, or Neither
  4. Who is your Favorite Pro hero?
  5. What's your Favorite color?
  6. Villain or Hero? (This will not effect your score, I'm just curious )
  7. Day or Night?
  8. How many friends do you have? (Maximum 7, I can't put more than that)
  9. Who is your favorite out of these?
  10. Do you think Toga is Good, Bad, or Misunderstood?

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Quiz topic: What MHA/BNHA Character am I?
