What member of my ocs family are you?

Hello im... zero! I made this quiz bc I was bored but I may update it later all I want is for you to have fun so please don't be offended! ๐Ÿค— ....cya

And also I've been working on this quiz for a while so expect some details being left out for now but soon I may put it here so you can know ( this is filler text)

Created by: Zero
  1. What is Your favorite breakfast food?
  2. Random Question: What's your Hogwarts house? (If you don't know then choose the one you think seems cool)
  3. What's your zodiac sign
  4. What's your favorite book series
  5. Umm.... I got nothing I may update this but it's 10:20 pm๐Ÿ˜… bye!
  6. Ok NVM I need ten questions so what's your favorite game
  7. What element do connect to
  8. Abcdefghi_______
  9. So... What did you think?
  10. Bye for real!

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Quiz topic: What member of my ocs family am I?
