What Magic School will you be going to?

Welcome to my first quiz! Probably won’t make another but this was some fun. Hope everyone has a lovely 2023 and it is full of happiness during these hard times!

Not gonna give away much here, save the surprise for when you finish! Make sure to share this and your results with friends! It’s a win win! Hope you like it!

Created by: Tabby
  1. Ahhh… time to go to your mystery school! First, let’s pack lunch! What kind of sandwich?
  2. Alright! Now what for a sweet treat?
  3. A drink next!
  4. Finally done with making lunch, you gently place it into your bag. Not the one with your clothes but the one you always, always carry around with you!
  5. As you climb into the card, you remember you forgot your best weapon! You race back into your home and grab..
  6. As you gaze out of the car window, your stomach growls. You open your lunch and begin to eat.
  7. You text your parents to tell them you are almost there…
  8. You see a sign that says the name of the magical school is 1 mile away, almost there!
  9. If you liked this quiz, make sure to give it some attention!
  10. You arrive at the school, the towering gates say in big letters :

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Quiz topic: What Magic School will I be going to?
