What Level of Flexibility Are You On?

Hello everyone it is SomeonePretty with my 2nd quiz! In this quiz, I will determine if you are a flexible person, or inflexible. I may make quizzes very often.

My quiz should give you very accurate results. If you are very flexible in real life, but the quiz tells you that u r not flexible, that is probably my mistake.

Created by: SomeonePretty
  1. Go on the floor and try to do a middle split. What happened?
  2. Stand up if you are not and try to do a needle. If you don't know what a needle is look up, "Needle in contortion", and go to images. How was your needle?
  3. Look up, "walk down bridge with wall", and look at the first few pictures there. Try to do the same thing and go down as far as you can. Results?
  4. Depending on which level of flexibility you are on, get into a bridge. If you don't know what a bridge is, look up, "Bridge gymnastics". How was your bridge?
  5. This one should be simple. Try and do a cartwheel. If u don't know what a cartwheel is, look up, "Cartwheel" on Youtube. How did your cartwheel turn out?
  6. On a scale from one to ten, how flexible do u think u r? This will NOT affect your results.
  7. Get on the ground and do a knee bridge. If you don't know what a knee bridge is, look up, "Knee bridge" on google. (or youtube). How did your knee bridge turn out?
  8. Try to do a Back-Walkover. How was it?
  9. Get into the oversplit as far as you can. How was your split?
  10. This will not affect your results. How did u like my quiz? This is my 2nd quiz.

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Quiz topic: What Level of Flexibility am I On?
