What letter will ur solmates name start with?

This quiz will tell you the first letter of your soulmates first name and what kind of ur relatinship you gys will have and a few tips on how to keep it going!

Who is ur soalmate do u know u doubt it but we will tell you weather you want to know or not so ha you can kiss my butt if u have a problem with that bub

Created by: paige and maddi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you consider urself........
  2. Do you consider ur crush.....
  3. How does ur crush act aroun u???
  4. On your firat date were would you go???
  5. How many kids do u plan on having?
  6. How do you consider your sex life?
  7. does ur crush have a boyfriend/girlfriend???
  8. How often can you see each other???
  9. How often can you see each other???
  10. what is ur favorite song???
  11. what is ur favorite song???

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