What Kotlc ability do you have?

This quiz you have some questions, you answer them, then you get an ability from kotlc. You happy, i happy, we all happy:) have fun...................

I have to write more, so i am. Read keeper of the lost cities by shannon messenger. Ship sokeefe:) please. Just do it. It’s worth it..................

Created by: Molly
  1. What is your favorite time of day?
  2. Favorite color
  3. Are you happy?
  4. What gender are you?
  5. What eye color do you have?
  6. Keefe:)
  7. Favorite ship(that’s mentioned here)
  8. Have you read all the books?
  9. Favorite fandom outside of kotlc
  10. Did you enjoy:)

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Quiz topic: What Kotlc ability do I have?
