Which KOTLC character are you? (super simple!)

This quiz is lots of fun and all about kotlc! If you want to know which one of sophie's gang you are this quis is perfect for you! I hope you are happy with your result, if you not you can always retake the quiz

Come play! I worked really hard on this so others playing would make me so happy! compete with your friends to get to know more about them! I hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Zailey
  1. If your friend is talking what do you do?
  2. When you hear something weird... what do you do?
  3. when your friend is having a bad hair day...
  4. would you rather laugh or giggle?
  5. would you rather kick or bite
  6. What powers would you rather have?
  7. would you rather follow the neverseen, or wait until you can catch them easily
  8. what element is your favorite?
  9. fave iggy color?
  10. cat or dog?

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Quiz topic: Which KOTLC character am I? (super simple!)
