What kind of wild cat are you?

This quiz will tell you which of three kinds of wild cats you are. I have no idea why I just put three, but I cant change it, so well just have to deal with it.

You can either be a cheetah, a leopard, or a tiger. So, take this quiz now! Then, you can find out which of the three wild cats you are!Im sorry, this isnt the best quiz, Ill make better.

Created by: Dovewing1
  1. do you like to run?
  2. Are you a fast runner
  3. Where do you live
  4. What cat is your favorite
  5. Pick an emoji
  6. Are hyenas your enemies?
  7. Will you rate and comment?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. This is a random question, but do you like glitter?
  10. Another random question, do you like Slither.io?
  11. Good bye!

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