Which Tiger Lily Cat are You?

If you were to have the power (or the problem) of transforming into a big cat, which one would you be? Why? Can we ever really know for sure? No. But there are certain traits that stick with each cat.

As you journey into this test, I invite you to embrace your wild side. After all, these cats are as wild as the deepest depths of the jungle, as untamed as the roaring rapids. Tread lightly.

Created by: Charissa Franklin of this site
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  1. Which word describes you best?
  2. What friend are you in the friend group?
  3. What calms you down?
  4. When someone messes with your younger sibling, you...
  5. What scares you most?
  6. You childhood comfort object was...
  7. A great evening for you would be...
  8. What's one thing you would bring with you into the jungle?
  9. When you go out to dinner, you order...
  10. Your music tastes could be described as...

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Quiz topic: Which Tiger Lily Cat am I?
